NOW’s National Board established a Sports Task Force. Its first objective is to integrate the Soapbox Derby.
(03/29/69) NOW’s National Board established a Sports Task Force. Its first objective is to integrate the Soapbox Derby. Ivy Bottini, a founder of the New York Chapter of NOW and a graphic designer, at the request of Aileen Hernandez, has created the new NOW logo!
NOW Chapters were involved in efforts to establish women’s studies courses at universities in California, Michigan and at newly co-educational Princeton University. The first accredited women’s studies course appeared in the spring curriculum of Cornell University in New York State as a result of efforts by the recently formed Cornell-Ithaca Chapter of NOW! (02/09/69) NOW has proclaimed this week as “Public Accommodations Week”. Join us in our national actions at “men only” restaurants, bars, and public transportation across the country, including: New York City, Syracuse, Cochester (CT), Pittsburgh, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago and Los Angeles, or start your own! The assumptions behind policies like this are that women are […] New York NOW’s Abortion Committee formed New Yorkers for Abortion Law Repeal (NYALR), an independent statewide organization that has been characterized as the first abortion law repeal group whose philosophy was based entirely on a radical feminist analysis of the issue. NYALR campaigned against any restrictions on a women’s access to abortion or any form […] (01/14-16/69) The first national conference on abortion laws convened in Chicago and decided to establish the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (NARAL). Lawrence Lader was the first chair. NOW’s representatives included: Betty Friedan; Lucinda Cisler, East Coast Chair of NOW’s National Abortion Committee; and Lana Phelan, West Coast Chair. Friedan spoke on […] (12/06-08/68) At our Third National Conference, NOW committed to launch a campaign to outlaw public accommodations discrimination based on sex, initiate a nationwide boycott against United Airlines because of its “men only” executive flights, and work for the amendment of the Social Security Act to provide insurance coverage for the wife as an individual […] (11/04/68) NOW member Shirley Chisholm became the first Black woman elected to the House of Representatives. After the 1968 elections, 10 women were serving in the House and one in the Senate; the 1968 Census indicated that women were 53.3% of the population of the United States. Stand with NOW to work towards equal representation […] (09/07/68) Women’s Liberation groups, including New York Radical Women and Redstockings, joined by members of New York NOW, targeted the Miss America Beauty Contest in Atlantic City. Women’s Liberation organizers disrupt the live telecast of the Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City.(Sisterhood is Powerful, 1970) Women picket on the Atlantic City boardwalk.(Wide World […] (09/05/68) NOW sponsored a boycott of all Colgate-Palmolive products to protest the company’s long-standing fragrant discrimination against female employees. In addition to the usual separate seniority lists, unequal pay rates, and exclusion from promotion to better jobs on the grounds of “state protective legislation,” the company has been laying off women with more than twenty […] |
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