
The National Organization for Women aims to take action to bring true equality for all women in America, and toward a fully equal partnership of the sexes.

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Women’s Strike for Equality TODAY!

On the 50th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, join us on the march for Women’s Equality in cities across the country!! At the New York City rally, Friedan and Millett are set to speak and then lead the march down one-lane of 5th Avenue!

Detroit NOW’s Ecumenical Task Force

Women of Detroit NOW’s ecumenical task force (the task force on women and religion) burned part of the newly release Roman Missal which restricted the right of women to be speakers at Catholic Mass.

Stand with NOW on Women and Religion!

A call to strike for equality!

Before handing NOW presidency over to former executive vice-president Aileen Hernandez, Betty Friedan made one last move to call for a 24-hour general strike by women to be held on August 26th, the 50th anniversary of the victory of the women’s suffrage movement.

“This is not a war to be fought in the bedroom, but […]

Sexual Politics, A Surprising Examination of Society's Most Arbitrary Folly

Kate Millet, an active member of New York NOW, published Sexual Politics, A Surprising Examination of Society’s Most Arbitrary Folly, a historical and cultural analysis of sexism written originally as a doctoral thesis. Sexual Politics has become a widely debated and quoted best-seller.

Sexual Politics by Kate Millett


The First Congress to Unite Women held in New York City

Initiated by NOW, the First Congress to Unite Women was held to create a fusion of moderate and radical feminist interests. The conference was coordinated and chaired by New York NOW President, Ivy Bottini, and attended by more that 500 feminists. Three other regional conferences were held in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

Pittsburgh NOW has filed charges against the Pittsburgh Press

Pittsburgh NOW filed charges of sex discrimination against the Pittsburgh Press because of the paper’s continued use of sex-segregated “Help Wanted” ads, despite integrated precedents and EEOC guidelines which prohibit sex-segregated “help wanted” ads .

Stand with NOW!

Colgate-Palmolive Case - Victory!

NOW has won a victory in the Colgate-Palmolive case when the Appeals Court ruled that any weight-lifting test must be applied to all employees, male and female, and forbade separate male/female seniority lists. The Court also ruled any union contracts restricting jobs women could bid on were illegal and awarded back pay to the women.


People v. Belous


NOW celebrated a victory in the People v. Belous case when the state supreme court found California’s 100 year-old abortion law unconstitutional. Dr. Leon Belous, a member of NOW, had insisted on defending himself on constitutional grounds against the charge of making illegal abortion referrals.

Stand with NOW against abortion laws!

Executive Order 11375


After considerable pressure from NOW and other women’s rights groups, public hearings were held on the Department of Labor’s proposed sex discrimination guidelines to be issued to implement Executive Order 11375.

Join NOW in ensuring the proper and complete implementation of all equal employment opportunity legislation!


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