Mission The National Organization for Women aims to take action to bring true equality for all women in America, and toward a fully equal partnership of the sexes.
Women’s Liberation groups, including New York Radical Women and Redstockings, joined by members of New York NOW, targeted the Miss America Beauty Contest in Atlantic City.
Women’s Liberation organizers disrupt the live telecast of the Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City.(Sisterhood is Powerful, 1970)
Women picket on the Atlantic City boardwalk.(Wide World […]
Join now in boycotting Colgate-Palmolive products due to their company rules that keeps women out of top-paying jobs by prohibiting them from lifting more than 35 pounds! We will be demonstrating in front of the company’s NYC headquarters and will even hold a “flush-in” where we will flush their products down the toilet in front […]
Members of NY NOW protested the New York Times for a week ending on the 26th. While protesting sex-segregated “help wanted” ads, supporters chanted “The New York Times is a sex-offender!”
Ti-Grace Atkinson and Flo Kennedy picket the New York TimesCred.: The Sisterhood by Marcia Cohen
Following an appeal filed by NOW attorneys Marguerite Rawalt and Phineas Indritz, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court voided the state’s Muncy law which required longer prison sentences for women than for men convicted of the same crime.
One more step towards equality of the sexes! Stand with NOW!
NOW sends its deepest condolences and well-wishes to Andy Warhol, his friends and family. We denounce the actions of Valerie Solanas; she does not represent the women’s movement and she has no connection to the National Organization for Women. NOW has not and will never support the vilification of men nor the actions that may […]
The New York chapter of NOW demonstrated for the complete repeal of abortion laws today! Among the demonstrators was Kate Millett carrying a sign, “Nobody should legislate my rights to my body!”
Stand with NOW!
NOW attorney, Silvia Roberts, has taken on the case of L0rena Weeks v. Southern Bell, in which Weeks had been denied a promotion because of Georgia state law that prohibits women from lifting 30 pounds or more on the job. A victory in this case would set the precedent of using the Civil Rights Act […]
Today, the EEOC finally ruled that sex is not a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) for the job of an airline flight attendant! A victory for the women of the airline industry!
NOW held simultaneous demonstrations at EEOC offices across the country including New York, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Chicago, and Atlanta. Among the demonstrators in San Francisco were national NOW treasurer Inka O’Hanrahan, Vice President Aileen Hernandez, Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon. These demonstrations came after the failure of the EEOC to end sex-segregated job advertising.
At the post-national conference press briefing, NOW announced support for Cindy Judd Hill, a music teacher, in her fight with a Pennsylvania school district. Hill was deprived of sabbatical study pay and later fired after she gave birth to a baby while on sabbatical leave obtaining her master’s degree. She had fulfilled all the requirements […]