
The National Organization for Women aims to take action to bring true equality for all women in America, and toward a fully equal partnership of the sexes.

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Report of the Task Force on Legal and Political Rights



*A campaign for women to assume equal rights and responsibilitiesas American citizens, including full participation in politicaldecision- making in the power structure of the political parties,in the selection of candidates and the formation of national policy,in the holding of public office, and in service to the […]

Report of the Task Force on Women in Poverty


A. We start with a concern for the plight of women who now livein poverty.The most serious victims of sex-discrimination in thiscountry are the women at the bottom, including those who, unsupported,head a great percentage of families in poverty; those women whowork at low-paying, marginal jobs, […]

Report of the Task Force on Education

NOW TASK FORCE ON EDUCATION (Background Comments of the Substitute Temporary ConvenerHelenSchleman, May 1967)

I. Composition of Task Force – We are dealing in an area whereonly the word of well-known experts gets much attention. It istherefore recommended that every effort be made to recruit a fewwell recognized persons for this group whose recommendations willcarry […]

First Memo to National Board Members

First Memo to National Board Members

November 29, 1966

MEMO TO: NOW Board Members

FROM: Kathryn F. Clarenbach, Chairman of the Board

By now you have all received a first mailing of materials andknow that NOW is in business. The November 20th Board meetingin New York was well attended (18 members present) and we workedout […]

NOW founder, Aileen Hernandez, resigns from the EEOC

Today, Aileen Hernandez announced her resignation from the EEOC effective November 10th of this year, citing frustrations “over the inaction on this issue [Menglekoch case, in which flight attendants filed against sex discrimination in the industry] and other cases which had drifted on for more than a year in spite of time requirements of Title […]

Rest in Peace, Margaret Sanger

Just a few days shy of her 80th birthday, Margaret Sanger passed away in Tucson today. NOW celebrates her life and her championing of birth control. We will continue the crusade!

Invitation to Join NOW


N.O.W. is a new national organization being formed “To takeaction to bring women into full participation in the mainstreamof American society NOW, assuming all the privileges and responsibilitiesthereof in truly equal partnership with men.

“With so many Americans consciously concerned with full participationof all our citizens and with […]

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was created by the Civil Rights Act to implement Title VII of the act, which prohibits discrimination in employment based on race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. However, the EEOC recently stated it had no authority to rule on conflict between Title VII and state protective legislation; this […]

Poll finds majority of Americans in favor of liberalizing abortion

A poll by the Field Research Corporation found that 65% of the population favored liberalizing abortion laws, while only 25% are in favor of very restrictive laws. NOW is on board! Stay tuned for future action!

Seidenberg v. McSorley’s Ale House

NOW attorney, Faith Seidenberg, filed suit against McSorley’s Ale House, asserting women’s right to public accommodations.

Stand with NOW for women’s equality!